It’s weird and confusing that the most talented and smart people in the world are often the ones struggling to make fabulous money.
Over the years, Dr. Mani Pavitra has been through the whole financial roller coaster herself and mastered the scientifically proven mental models that attract wealth!
As a result of all these belief shifts, her income doubled, then tripled, and in a few years, she went from always struggling to meet the ends meet to being financially successful entrepreneur.
Now it’s time you get the proven, step-by-step process to release and rise above your negative beliefs, build the wealth you desire and finally live the life of your dreams.
This event will give you the most practical wealth manifestation tools you’ll ever have.
You’ll get day-to-day actions, inspiration, kick-up-the-butt real talk, and loving advice.
There’s no amount of money you could want that’s too big or too small.
Dr. Mani will teach you to cut through years of struggle and constant battle with “not enough money,” so you can crush your income goals, heal your money wounds, and break through old self-beliefs.
No matter where you’re starting from, if you’re willing to uncover what’s holding you back, Fortune Reset will help you create money miracles in your life.